Episode 39

Published on:

13th Oct 2023

CEO Mindset: Scaling Beyond Ego and Fear with Doug Thorpe

Your host, Winter Baserva, talks with the Master Coach for CEOs and Senior Leadership Teams, Doug Thorpe. Since 2008, Doug has helped hundreds of leaders in all types of industries find ways to be more effective in running a business. Doug wants business owners to have greater influence and build stronger teams so that they can reap the benefits of a healthy business.

Founders may often find it challenging to let go of control and delegate tasks, Doug believes that ego can be a significant hindrance to growth, a founder will become bottlenecked, limiting efficiency and flow. Fear and trust issues can also prevent founders from empowering their teams. Doug firmly believes that for a business to ascend to the next level, founders need to shift their mindset and start thinking like a CEO.

To learn more about Gary's work, click HERE and HERE.

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The Shift Spotlight!
We shine a light on CEO's, business owners, visionaries and the EOS®️ community and the amazing gifts and talents you bring, so others can grow and lean from the best!

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